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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I want to live in Williamsburg and be your husband. I live from the days of being this creature as a creation of Williamsburg street art the graffiti art is my living existence of the black sharpie king size that represents you, you're basquiat that I exist in street art of Williamsburg with the color of your car, I am given amnesia and nobody will acknowledge I exist but I live with this dream of Williamsburg Brooklyn since the lie of rikers island and Tom Petty meaning that I'll enter free fall. All of this is a lie, there's no such thing as free fall it's whatever I wish to bring the cash to but I want to bring it to you and we from there bring it to Williamsburg these wealthy guardians of the scene.
Marry me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

-Caitlin Rodriguez Husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on H.B.O.
Caitlin black heart from her bug
The School of Visual Arts
church of silver tiles day 330 /8 James Hughes Days

everything hipster on Williamsburg (shows) on thursday on Little Nemo. A channel in 11211 created off the promotions of caitlin rodriguez

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