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Monday, November 21, 2011

Occupy Wall street will destroy the tea party

From reading the first sentence of the tea party, a leaderless movement of conservatives in the republican party, I've come to the realization that occupy wall street has to stand as the opposition to the tea party, the liberal faction of assuring the democratic party stays on our side. I once dreamed of saving the republican party from these people but this is no longer possible I will stand as the democratic child of Bill Clinton and Clintonian capitalist politics to assure liberal voices are heard, that women's rights are assured and that Barak Obaama stays in the white house alongside Hillary Clinton entering the white house. There is no way to save the republican party who is too desperately in bed with these sorts of people for the desperation of votes. I need the ability to read on Obaama's progress, a man as savvy as that in a black suit can do no wrong. There's a following after Dr. Martin Luther King that represents New York City, maybe the reason Clinton has an office in Harlem, I kept saying this to myself trying to figure out what the psychological emotions are the same that led me to occupy wall street and to live by fashion and fiercely defend and demand gay rights and legalization of gay marriage. This is my representation of my place in the world. I reopened my scottrade account today coming back from 86th street, a symbol of my capitalist placement in the world and democratic clintonianism. A symbol of being a new yorker and the demand that you get a television station out of this. Somebody has to counteract the lies that the mnedia feeds people and assure Amy Goodman is acknowledged as the leading voice in media (who even shit on Clinton in the Exception to the Rulers) who risked her life for her journalism.
This has to become a television station I hate these fucking christian conservative people far too much, these ann coulter types have to be overriden by a voice like Al Franken. The people who organize Occupy Wall Street if you ever read this thank you for organizing churches for us to stay at every day, thank you for staying with us, you are the closest to a living form of dr. King fighting the conservatives and the energy translation of Rage Against the Machine.
Thank you Tom Morello for playing at occupy wallstreet.
We are the only counter actant to the people, the J. Edgar Hoover people who had Mark David Chapman programmed by the F.B.I. to kill John Lennon. We are the only counter actant to homeland security. Fuck you moral majority.
I love you trinity.

"through counter intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers and neutralize them" <- this is the nypd inside occupy wall street. Homeland security. Bloomberg's secret republicans.
You're going to prison michael bloomberg, I promise you that. Anyone from occupy who reads this do not be deterred by these people. They stand against their own city.

I love you caitlin.

-caitlin rodriguez husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 392/8 james hughes days

purposed ceos of channel little nemo in williamsburg brooklyn
(represented by the corporate art of hello kitty by Tom Sachs)
-> Your friends. From the photograph best friends gang is tough.
This is my corporate symbol.
On some level I believe the man from occupy wall street who cut the fence knows I exist because of his quote being the same as tom sachs on creating hello kitty without Sanrio's permission
"sometimes I think it's better to beg for fogiveness than ask for permission"

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