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Monday, November 28, 2011

Ray Kachel on the new yorker

Ray Kachel is on the new yorker. The revolution needs a face somebody to lead this I'd go to another occupy if my mission wasn't to use the city to promote Williamsburg Brooklyn being turned into a tv station to center the scene. This is the only way to preserve occupy in a anti fox news sense. I'm outside Penn station I start yelling at this z100 guy "bloomberg beware zuccatti park is everywhere" this is the way to use the media to our advantage. I used to believe z100 was associated to my daily life that I summoned them daily but it's all the same people. Hughes helped me through this crisis today. Through a crisis in a dream with my mother I need him to explain how to program me while I sleep. I just need to be genuine to my guide.
I need a laptop and to panhandle and for somebody to acknowledge I do this everyday.
I'm going to make your friends CEOs. I would make tiggah this at occupy if he got me adderall. I need my fucking medication or I do nothing live in worthless life and dead art but atleast I have my church on 86th street to represent my class status. I love you.

-caitlin Rodriguez husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez production
Little memo on hbo
Black Caitlin heart
The school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 399/8 james hughes days

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