they place anti inspiration inside my mind. there's also one that there's a poetry thing. I need somebody to blatantly acknowledge that i'm doing this. I need somebody to give me adderall. Anti inspiration is in so I no longer feel inspired by anything in anyway. I need you to acknowledge i'm doing this in order for there to be a channel @ domino sugar in williamsburg, brooklyn that caitlin rodriguez owns. somebody needs to fucking give me adderall.
A caitlin rodriguez production
Little Nemo on hbo
Paul Raura satanic cross with a caitlin rodriguez heart in the center.
This means I don't know what the fuck is going on since I sang Silver Tiles outside the school.
It means deliver me to caitlin rodriguez.
The School of Visual Arts Church of Silver Tiles Day 310/8
James Hughes Days
this is a blog of a nyc art project. It is also a project where I have amensia [I am a living conspiracy] when I reach the end there are billions of dollars to be distributed I will use this to create a tv station in williamsburg, brooklyn This is apart of occupy wall street. They will be hired at the tv station. (the tv station is a wedding proposal to caitlin rodriguez) REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE 15TH OF NOVEMBER....
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