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Monday, December 12, 2011

There is no need to call an ambulance. I'm warned of this situation with Natalie (who says oii and fucks all the punk girls) by tracy flick who places a sad face on him. The implication is for me to take care of this before somebody else does, I'm being trained at occupy to become edgar friendly. There is no need to narc on someone (this may get us kicked out of 86th street, if we're staying at a church site it seems key we avoid causing any problems and only make the church look good as a supporter of liberal causes) there should never be cops where we live, this is the root of my loyalty to occupy: in zuccatti we took care of our own, had our own security. This sort of mentality will root to being Peter Gatien in Williamsburg when I am free. The heart of the revolution is based in the concept of the white crips mixed with the Democratic National Convention. "Over the Edge" in mentality, a kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid. Loyalty to the revolution that overtakes the city (our school). This is the same day that we get the weekly metro cards and I no longer have to fear the subway terminal. The people in my eye used to cause me fear before they betrayed Michael Bloomberg, the mayor literally created the lidibico treatment, without my medication I become a child. I gain a white suit I wanted to call this Blane, reference to "pretty in pink" and the dream of doing blow in a mansion with you as queen. Laura of Greenfield Hills, CT in a Frank Gehry. I placed a symbol on a dogwood reference in Fairfield (alpha suburb) last time I was there to mark the seed of your mansion, leave symbols for the secret. The man who has the cartoon bloomberg on my eye jokes this is "Weekend at Bernie's". This is all written in the notebook named "word" after the store in williamsburg, brooklyn. Our revolution needs a direct protection against the police, an example to the future that if you overdose as a runaway we'll take care of you. We will make the 60s east village in williamsburg brooklyn. We our the children of the beat poets of the west village, our mission is to destroy the neo conservative line of thought, with capitalism this will be done. Clintonian capitalism; with the upper class/upper middle class that Clinton brought to the democratic party after Bush sold the republican party out with religious zealots for votes. Lou Reed supports this occupation. All you need is VU. It's so cold in Alaska god.

Mic check = <3

I love you

-Caitlin Rodriguez Husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
The School of Visual Arts Church of Silver Tiles Day 403/8 James Hughes Days

1 comment:

  1. Christie princess baitlin bw ABC church little nemo.on HBO Sam.levinson yeah they what hands of fun.are seem.some.sort pc.boxer sniffer Texas next NYC 4 re
