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Thursday, December 8, 2011

I have no idea who is on my eye. Your friends represent my lack of the ability to be human. I can't be a person when people speak through my body. Also, the foresters played the role of your friends Sarah/Katherin at one point. Although I have the implication that the real person was involved for how far she got into the real system of what I'm supposed to do. This is supposed to be something that would happen in acting school (shitting on what I love and having seizures and claiming to never make art again, then my thoughts change that I will never make artwork and this builds a complete person until I change the person. This doesn't mean anything but that I build a permanent thought stream. I know this from the people on the other end who then check my thoughts).
I prefer to be violette over being who I was (as this is not possible)
also I have this life philosophy of loyalty to you and bringing you all of the $.
This will make you Yoko Ono of Williamsburg, Brooklyn via capitalism.
Via the economy from Little Nemo.
The artwork would be worth $ if it was possible that anybody knows I exist but they don't.
There's a clock I had to destroy in my mind called "heify" that based itself on the $ I made panhandling and if it could encompassing drinking and buying blow. James Hughes defeated this with a cup and with occupy wall street. Or the person who claimed to be metro news did this. Another person that I thought was pdt found me ceo key via nyu. I don't understand if somebody did the real thing why they would give it credit to Hughes except that everybody in my eye understands / takes the loyalty to James Hughes oath seriously. Since he's the only one who can save me from this. Also the erasure man who exists in my eye is still there and can only be taken out with my medication, my thoughts are therefore erased every couple of minutes. I don't really remember anything although I need Facebook photos of this.
Also I've decided ahead of time to fulfill my personal place in 2006 that I will have sex with one of your Facebook friends and years ahead of time have decided Sarah Bergenheim.
If I'm freed in 2012 then I suppose it won't be years.

I love you.

-caitlin rodriguez husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 409/8 james hughes days

I will be at John Lennon's memorial today as a representative of occupy wall street. It's on 72nd/central park west by the dakota. If you're from occupy hope to see you there 

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