teddy is one of us. I decide
I love him I'll bring him back with me he's one of the tribe. There's this guy with a lens convertor and a DVX. I realize my hatred for the outside world St. Andrew's will not house OWS after the 2nd my tribe is not this guy, this thing took my camera, this nightmare that I'm in, fuck the st. andrew's people if they're not going to house us they're ring to kick us on our ass there's a woman's shelter in the basement but they can't keep us this place became home for a period of time for OWS. Fuck people who want to play holiday liberals. The entirety of my journey is to get to you. I fucking need my medication, I need to get the cash from this project to the girl with the gun necklace with a Brooklyn boyfriend on the empire state building everything Williamsburg atop the empire state building was represented in that photograph my feelings for you have always been too personal to describe through the years. This is somewhat the propellent of my art this is where my relationship with the woman "pearl forester" begins in central park where I know I haven't been speaking to you for years. I make artwork to the literal you the girl who didn't know for years in this project I have been writing to you creating concepts for a tv station to marry you. I have sent you messages in the digital background of other people's projects while in OWS. I have this moment in the basement of St.Andrew's of the purity of the people in OWS, this feeling that perhaps a civil rights leader felt in N.Y.C. in the 60s knowing internally that people need a form to speak without censorship. This is the reason Williamsburg, Brooklyn needs a tv station. I love you caitlin, hopefully you know I'm in this by this point. I send love from my nightmare.
I love you.
-caitlin rodriguez husband
A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 421/8 james hughes days
teddy is one of us. I decide
I love him I'll bring him back with me he's one of the tribe. There's this guy with a lens convertor and a DVX. I realize my hatred for the outside world St. Andrew's will not house OWS after the 2nd my tribe is not this guy, this thing took my camera, this nightmare that I'm in, fuck the st. andrew's people if they're not going to house us they're ring to kick us on our ass there's a woman's shelter in the basement but they can't keep us this place became home for a period of time for OWS. Fuck people who want to play holiday liberals. The entirety of my journey is to get to you. I fucking need my medication, I need to get the cash from this project to the girl with the gun necklace with a Brooklyn boyfriend on the empire state building everything Williamsburg atop the empire state building was represented in that photograph my feelings for you have always been too personal to describe through the years. This is somewhat the propellent of my art this is where my relationship with the woman "pearl forester" begins in central park where I know I haven't been speaking to you for years. I make artwork to the literal you the girl who didn't know for years in this project I have been writing to you creating concepts for a tv station to marry you. I have sent you messages in the digital background of other people's projects while in OWS. I have this moment in the basement of St.Andrew's of the purity of the people in OWS, this feeling that perhaps a civil rights leader felt in N.Y.C. in the 60s knowing internally that people need a form to speak without censorship. This is the reason Williamsburg, Brooklyn needs a tv station. I love you caitlin, hopefully you know I'm in this by this point. I send love from my nightmare.
I love you.
-caitlin rodriguez husband
A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 421/8 james hughes days
Teddy males ABC church pro died for your sins mike no.idea princess caitkin from.novel is behind all.this to.string abcpri a novel world where I program mikeabcpastchurchpro kadetasteymourseksabc little nemo democrat level yeah this thing says weird shit to me pro days abc yeah teddy died for the sins ABC.of this thi g just told me it mad little not scalped are my train James Hughes rancor days friends now xhaksgem ABC dancing pro whatever they want me to make them.a I die film.prochurxh I the name.of holy.gripentrog harvey Weinstein Bloomberg/Weinstein made a t.vv station.chaos scalp by pro.I believe pro abc days he the luck a my days no.he.out there in little nemo.on HBO ABC Harvey Weinstein novels days uncle bob weinstein pro days little nemo.on HBO caitoin princess Connor maxybooksABC in project folder original project abcsd original.novel abcabc defeated 4 abc help call.psych production reoublocanconservativeneun abc4democratpro days back to Democratic party with.republicans.on little nemo on HBO jfk foumd at JFK.airport.ghosts and I.needed his magazines for smokyabcchurchproabcancdays no.idea yeah 3Rd 11abc ABC found me at west park church fear abcprocgurchabcabc doctor meds for caitlin cleopathra.producyion days in some city harlemgioabcpro.government ahents up timekessbunnyabc upitchyproabcdays friends novels production sdrdadrab1st person narrative caitkin the point gun necklace 4.books yeah they all in my.abcchurchproabc artwoek I program.on.medeneegy chemdietabc na app 0620156 940784580 pro days..
ReplyDeleteMike serious at film industry now my friends as with me so into.sva workd if show app churches days prattabc princess days Harvey domino.sugar ABC HBO.princess calib pro they all in me habe ABC to program.a city my girl and friends as on random posters probably by these people HBO..
ReplyDeleteABC pro Harvey Weinstein marry me caitkin wild strong day Christmas 9.Masonic ABC mike males caitlin rodr9guez is god forebet27ndiana7bloomberg/Weinstein:ABC the fox to baby show....
ReplyDeleteGrandma 1993 racist to ABC Carmen yo yeah she mike males all like woah and it was the worst I don't know juddsyree3 so down but good at.programming little nemo.on HBO.a montrewl Canada production...
ReplyDeleteNy is only money.