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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


when my body can't move in mcdonalds I used to buy coke from I remember why I hate every day I don't understand why nobody will come and get me. The 6th avenue/canal property is guarded 24/7 by a NYPD. The cop doesn't understand why he guards against us. I need to be filming this I'm inspired by having Lauren's revolutionary spirit/#occupy tattoo. I currently accomplish my media mission @ 86th street OWS through her metro card I get from Jeff. I write everything down because I'm given amnesia please save me get me out of this. The main people are scientists who want to know about humanity. I don't care about the human mind or whatever it is their searching for.
At night at st.paul's there's no heat maybe the pasteur wants to kill us off before they finish playing holiday liberals. It's 5 it's architecture in helsinki I don't understand how I was placed in a project that attempts to get me off my medication and manipulate me in seizures. Hughes has helped me with this. I want out I want to return to the real world. I'm making a board of OWS clippings and need to contact the DNC but have no ability to do this without adderall.

I love you

-caitlin rodriguez husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 422/8 james hughes days


  1. Yeah that was princess ABC caitlin birthday js ps pro princess nemo here beat Bloomberg/weinstein 4 ABC to.fix combat jail/institution weird abcabc baby emotion levels.domino.sugar was the caitlin.flower ABC.pick thing from sheer.misery.mad hard 5am.Bloomberg news ABC mgmt Dr my meds abcabcmasonicsprochurchdaysabc be with me this thing crazy amnesia wonkadays of angel/hunanic3saabc work.days pro did all that made little nemo.on abc got babies married 9 mike9proanckade tasty morsels gone bloody.gone mazybooks:ABC pro blackmirror 725:8*:**pro ABC yeah that was a hard one realky.spent all my.artistuc in me now I.just a poor.bigger.but a scientust asblack coukd be indigomorningeoodabc fiund.Obama ksthepixies best friends gang is tough mikeadderallabcpro Harvey weinstein continues to fix shadow leader on show a caitlin rodriguez production abcancdayspro must be fbi agent caitlin..

  2. John blanket some weird.thing wild banished we have built either.nyodcommunicae or john blanket us my.spirit.guidenbkjaikriotoroduction.I don't.know its a weird show.involving chaos magick and electronics but may the princess with me.a good idea when you.little is he ultimatenfriemd loki.which I he.out there he found his role as main producer.under the.princess caitlin.or she eat cleopa queen of the dead email wins ABC days pro leveks caitinabc in Paris tv channel Skittles pro..

  3. Canada save me Anna be with me grandma from palmetto rd.Judd street 3 8.....

  4. Hey guys ghere this some videpgamlittle nemo on my show hbobrooklynsbc maos pro app karen o annmocrat yeah bro g back the cursed oned the wild entertainment system...

  5. No friends agents ABC you are only tech Anna democrat I don't want to be your friend in the event of my death I was not your friend little emoonhbo...

  6. ************69686*****696968*****6969686***778**69686*****69677**69696***69686**696877**6969**6969697*€*69696*8***69696******69696****888**69696**6877*696***7€*6969696**7**696€7*****69696**6968**€*696967*€*6969696**€*696968697€*696968***6€69696*******69696€**7**696969696****6969696***69696969**€€**6969697*******€

  7. *********6*6€**669696***7*€*6********69686**69696***696769687****669696**687787*7**696969**77777*******6968777**69696877*€**696€6**\76969\**7888**7**696777**€\69678696***7***7968777**6968777***€*€69697877****79696***7****69696*****696877€€*6969696***7****€*\69696***7€€€€*\6969778**6969\*€€€**7****€8*69696**7**6969***69696***7€**69697€€**697**8**8***9*8*696€7***€88\6969696€*\69697€*696***€***69696****6867969****88****6969696****6969696****6969777€*696869*€€69696*€696€****69696******6969\€€69696**€**€

  8. No i dont want to k oe you that is obvious always rapping biti g hand baby may not cone then excitement not wajted only real wprld wanted not excited by the beings talking to nobody not saying gunnat agerholm.

  9. Dont make friends fairfoeld is an alone ceremony body really wanted to be their wuth me no remaking artelwork.

  10. i have no idea where the fucking photo went of Darla from best buy its on the net somewhere like in my Caitlinrodriguezhusband Youtube but WHATEVA!
