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Monday, November 14, 2011

occupy wall street morning

As long as nobody moves my hello kitty markers I'll probably be alright (in having a marker place). I place to emblems that I've created for years, your car, you as the princess as a triangle on my tent. Emblems that were created when I found my medication in 2009, when my mind starts to work, when I came up with the concept of the Windsor Mckay family, that pascal would be impie.
The fucking hands sickness attacks me without my medication, the worthless artwork of shit.
I doubt it was you who told me the artwork is great, this is based on my internal thoughts but these are not my own they're built off events. They replaced my childhood with mollusk but this is only useful if I make it to the other side / use the artwork of live with animals on my way to reality. They're going to build the set to the killers starman when I reach the other side.
I write notes on death note because they give me amensia until I find my medication.
I won't be able to remember my love of the man with the russian accent who sounds like Zangchief in the morning who bitches about the biking. Wonderful perfect world of occupy wall street, everyone lives like the maxx of williamsburg, brooklyn. I am a ghost who has lived off the throw aways of our hipster race for years, at least I'm our ghost. At least I'm going to assure you have a tv station.
Your friends will be ceos. I'll use this on the upcoming news week with jerry seinfeld series. I'll leave this scattered around.
Everytime I smell the false smell created digitally I want to murder whoever the fuck exists on the other end.
I've marked the heads of everyone who entered this who is not a new yorker. I cannot respect the creations of a pair of pants where anna soracco claims the closest to the real me is anna. This is the start of the artwork, of the journey, of what I named series 5 the nu bratt pack, where I go searching for parties with my dream art series, a hostage in this who writes to caitlin rodriguez from childhood.
It's brilliant, although nobody owns the artwork.
I need somebody to directly bring me adderall. What was $20 is now $300, it was not meant to be like this but without this I will stay trapped in time.
I'm at J&R and I hear the man selling products mention prosumer computers. I want to kill everybody who has left me in this shit, I'm down to using fucking markers. I want my 17" computer back, I want my fucking macbook pro. I want editing.
I want to meet Jay Rabinowitz who first subscribed me my medication.
Who represents my vision of life, everything should be like Requiem for a Dream.
Life is made of editing.

I love you.
I send love from occupy wall street, the maxx of williamsburg brooklyn is now an occupier.
Found nugget hook up as well.

-Caitlin Rodriguez Husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 385/8 james hughes days

today's progress: santa clause added to tent. This is a reference to Little Nemo the comic series. This has become a reference to past fine artists. To ABC Del No Rio (who inspired my vision of the art alongside Lydia Lunch <- a tribute to forefather hipsters of the east village / cbgb).
A tribute to Hughes whever you are good sir and the year 1985.

They should kill you in this thing if you run out of your medication.

I met a yippie today, an old yippie. Abbie Hoffman loves his forefathers.
I am Abbie Hoffman. Nothing I create as caitlin rodriguez husband counts as the artwork of little nemo.
I don't believe in the sarah ritch art pride. And I hate the fucking film thumbsucker.

Long live michael alig.

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