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Friday, November 11, 2011

this would stop at 88 entries because 88 means going back to the future but it's still the old west and I fucking hate everything but occupy wall street. Although sept 2 1885 means james hughes and the messages the bitch pearl forester sends me are actually brilliant when they don't shit on me

while living at the gang I hold loyalty to named occupy wall street I've decided if you say no to marrying me I will make you a ceo and then kill you at the age of 32. I decided this on the way to the post office on church street in new york, new york which I've named slumberland. In honor of Windsor Mckay's comic book who I hold some similarity to, if anything because I was told I'm on a H.B.O. show named Little Nemo and casted in Hell's Kitchen.
James and I re-do this on North 4th street, in williamsburg, brooklyn.
The abderdeen stop refers to kurt cobain on the L
where I refuse to pan handle because I refuse to acknowledge they have done this to me.

-Caitlin Rodriguez Husband

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 382/8 james hughes days

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