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Friday, September 16, 2011

do not want to speak to paris hilton or people i used to look up on wikipedia

I have no interest in speaking to the people from wikipedia or anybody from Harvey Weinstein's era of this thing. Please resurrect me so I can return as Sylar of Williamsburg, Brooklyn as the self proclaimed king of nu media and create more artwork than anyone in any genre. I don't give a fuck about the $ I can about the artwork. I need you to resurrect me to the other side of this thing so I can complete the artwork. So I can complete Little Nemo as Little Nemo. I need my medication. Then I will defeat everyone in every genre and recreate all of their artwork.
Please get rid of the hill valley children.

-Caitlin Rodriguez Husband

(these people killed gunnar agerholm)

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
The School of Visual Arts Church of Silver Tiles day 326/8 James Hughes Days

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